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Introduction of some common animal drugs

According to veterinary recommendations, common animal drugs are allowed in animal husbandry and organic farming, but alternative drugs are preferred. Preventing disease by using drugs is prohibited and antibiotics can be used for a limited period of time and with double withdrawal time. Animal health care is not yet developed enough to keep animals healthy without common veterinary drugs. In Europe and the United States, great progress has been made in the use of homeopathic veterinary medicine, which has shown its utility in many health problems. Fungal solutions are also used in Africa, and in cases where an experienced botanist is consulted, they may be effective to some extent. Much of this is not well proven or approved, but many farmers use it with good results.


In order to keep your livestock healthy, it is very important to strictly follow the vaccination schedule recommended by your veterinarian, who should be familiar with the types of diseases that occur in your area. Vaccines are common livestock drugs and active or inactive disease organisms that are used to strengthen livestock immunity from specific diseases. They play an important role in eradicating some of the most dangerous diseases in humans and animals. Using vaccines among common livestock medications is an inexpensive way to protect your entire flock from devastating diseases such as Niukas disease, which cannot be cured and can kill entire chickens in a village. Another example of a deadly disease that can kill all of your goats and half of your sheep is goat plague, which can be prevented by vaccination. Staying up-to-date on vaccinations is a critical management tool for livestock success in the region.

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